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Hi. I'm Joe.

I am a licensed marriage and family therapist (MS, LMFT) and life coach. I also have a PhD in Leisure Science* (from Abide University and Institute), specializing in "self-care."

I have a rocking life - the result of positive lifestyle choices - and a healthy appreciation for punk rock music. I want to help others maximize their potential and own their own reality, especially the oddballs, misfits, and nonconformists out there. If I can do it, anyone can. Reach out if you need that "little extra push over the cliff" to get yourself back on track toward your goals.

On the side, I'm a writer, musician, and free agent in the Cosmos. My musical specialties are bass guitar and vocals. I write daily, working toward a really fun sci-fi novel (stay tuned).

I perform in a handful of rock-n-roll bands around my city, and I devote most of my time and energy to my original music project GUPPY EFFECT. The "in progress" project I am most excited about is an instrumental surf rock-n-roll outfit called BANANA HAMMOCK.

*Note: Leisure Science used to be called the Art of Slacking (Off), but it's now more popularly called Self Care, because Leisure Science encompasses both doing nothing and doing fun things, to the exclusion of boring or un-fun other things.

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