Church of BWJ

Are you someone who is sick and tired of the divisive and toxic fear, hate, grievance, and vitriol in the world (and purveyed by the social and mainstream media)? You are not alone and there is a growing movement of people detoxifying their minds, bodies, and souls by disenfranchising this kind of poisonous negativity from their lives.

If you are also someone who likes or wants to live a healthy lifestyle comprising whole food, plant based eating and daily aerobic exercise, the Church of Bike With Joe might be for you! Read on if you're curious to learn more...

The Church of BWJ has three basic Tenets, designed to optimize health and positivity, and disenfranchise negativity and toxicity from your life. The three Tenets are:

2. Exercise aerobically for at least 30 minutes every day.
3. Abstain from and avoid mental, physical, and spiritual toxins (including social and mainstream media, toxic people, and poisons like nicotine, drugs, and alcohol).

That's it. Membership in the Church is an act of DOING those three things. It's free. There are no fees or dues. There are no Church Fathers (except maybe me, since I started the gosh darn thing). There are no places of worship, other than within your own physical, mental, and spiritual experience (soul). The Church of BWJ was established out of pure altruism and empathy, not greed or personal gain. I won't even know if you become a member of the Church by adopting the three Tenets (unless you contact me and let me know). Of course, you can subscribe to this blog to stay connected with Church happenings and philosophies. Or not. Whatever. But really, the Church is customizable to your lifestyle and needs, if your lifestyle and needs are roughly aligned with the three Tenets. If you adopt and integrate the three Tenets into your life, you should start to notice the mental, physical, and spiritual benefits (aka, The Awakening) in about 2-3 weeks.*

There's no obligation whatsoever to join the Church of BWJ. It's optional, but encouraged, if you are looking for an organic lifestyle that is guaranteed to improve mental, physical, and spiritual well being, and that offers a safe space from the toxic sociopolitical Hellscape that is worsening every day. If it's not your thing, no worries. Just walk on by. I am sure there are many other ways to achieve enlightenment, peace, and wellness out there. However, I have no idea what those are, and joining the Church of Bike With Joe is one of the easiest and most certain ways to achieve said goal. 

Joining does not even require 100% adherence to the Tenets - just having the INTENTION to follow them is enough. Following the Tenets should feel like the natural and authentic thing to do (at least after 2-3 weeks of following them, if not right away). And not following them should feel uncomfortable and unbalancing and destabilizing. If neither thing is true for you, then the Church probably isn't for you. And that's totally OK! Don't try to pound a square peg into a round hole by pursuing something that violates your authentic narrative and values. That would be a waste of time.

You may be wondering why these three things in particular are the Tenets of the Church of Bike With Joe. In short, these three Tenets were experimentally and scientifically established as a direct counterpoint to the things in the world that typically harm your mental, physical, and spiritual well being. These three Tenets explain most of the statistical variance that predicts positive mental, physical, and spiritual health outcomes.

Some have asked, "What is the most important of the three Tenets, if...say...I can only follow one of them?" The answer is the third one - avoiding toxins (especially social and mainstream media). Eating a plant based diet and daily aerobic exercise are not feasible or possible for everyone. They are optimizers of mental, physical, and spiritual health. But without abstinence from mental, physical, and spiritual toxins, positivity and enlightenment are largely out of reach, according to Church Philosophy. You may disagree, and again...that's OK. Perhaps the Church is not for you then. The Church emphasizes INTENTION more than action on the first two Tenets (diet and exercise). The third Tenet is actionable for almost everyone, because it involves NOT doing (abstaining from) something, which is achievable for most. It's easier to not do something than it is to do something. You know, there was actually a time in the world, not too long ago, when social media did not exist and mainstream media had to be accessed ACTIVELY (it wasn't always passively ubiquitous in your life, as it is today).

Nonetheless, due to Grievance Addiction, many people still find it hard to abstain from social and mainstream media (SMSM), which was literally designed by diabolical forces to be more addictive than heroin or nicotine [SOURCE]. If you doubt this, I challenge you to abstain from SMSM for one week...or even one day. You'll see what I mean pretty quickly. And if you have already kicked the SMSM habit, great! You are well on your way to becoming a Church of Bike With Joe adherent (should you so choose).


*NOTE: There is no timeline to join the Church of Bike With Joe. The window of opportunity to join is very wide open. No urgency whatsoever. If this were about marketing some kind of religious scheme to profit off of, I'd probably lie and tell you that the window of opportunity is CLOSING SOON, SO ACT FAST! Nope. It's not. And - much like Honey Badger - I honestly don't have any strong incentive to encourage you to join the Church, other than empathy (which, one could argue, is a currency of Karma). In fact, the Church really doesn't want any members who aren't INTENTIONAL about following the Tenets. As I said earlier, following the Tenets should feel like it aligns with your values and authentic self. If that's not the case, don't join. Boom. That said, it takes roughly 2-3 weeks of following all three of the Tenets to feel the benefits (Blessings), so give it a sporting chance if you are on the fence. Try it for three weeks and if you get nothing out of it, there you go. If you already know that healthy vegan eating, daily aerobic exercise, and avoiding toxins like SMSM are not for you, move along...nothing to see here.

As of now, there is no urgency whatsoever to join the Church of Bike With Joe. However, the window of opportunity to join very explicitly closes on January 19, 2025, a little over two months from now. You can literally join any time right up to the deadline, and it's super easy to do. As I said earlier, just INTENTIONALLY start practicing the three Tenets of the Church described above...and you're IN! Because it takes 2-3 weeks to reap the full mental, physical, and spiritual rewards of adherence to the Tenets, I would do so no later than about New Year's Eve 2024, if you plan to join (or you just want to give it a practice run). In fact, you could make joining the Church your New Year's Resolution, if you like. Most people give up on their New Year's Resolutions about 2-3 weeks into the new year anyway. So, if it ends up not being your bag, you've sacrificed nothing.

You can, of course, also join the Church after the January 19, 2025 deadline, but the Church makes no guarantee of mental, physical, and spiritual salvation on or after January 20, 2025. We also don't make any guarantee of that on or before that date either, because get could anyone guarantee any such thing? However, an inability to guarantee salvation does not mean we don't KNOW it will happen. That's what FAITH is all about...knowing something with your heart and soul without any scientific evidence whatsoever. It's important to say here that the Church of Bike With Joe LOVES Science and Science underlies the three Tenets of the Church (which is why we capitalize Science). We believe science to be one of the best ways to understand Reality. Science is integral to the FAITH of this particular Church. So, even though believing in Science is not a formal Tenet of the Church, we really dig Science and hope you do to. Dig?

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