
I Should Probably Post Something

Hi Readers!

I hope this blog post finds you and brings you joy, happiness, and/or utility.

After we got back from our trip Down Under, Deborah and I spent some time exploring the possibility of possibly moving to Melbourne to live for a few years, if Deborah can get a Partner Visa (I am already an Aussie citizen, due to being born there). There are numerous reasons for this. We did some research and met with an Australian immigration lawyer who told us we'd probably get approved, but it would not be cheap. We are not planning to act on this information just yet (many obstacles, including dogs and family constraints). But if America continues its current slide into ridiculousness and oblivion, we could execute The Plan, if things get just too far out of control. I'm ready to make the move now. I think it would be great, but I am respecting Deborah's wishes, because I can go either way (with my dual citizenship). I'd work through the obstacles methodically. None are insurmountable.

In the meanwhile, I am fully back into the flow of my marriage and family therapy practice now. I'm slated to play a jazz gig in a few weeks, on March 4th, and I need to establish some weekly rehearsal time on that. I'm excited for it. Stefan and I jammed GUPPY EFFECT v2.0 (semi-acoustic incarnation) yesterday, despite my limited vocal capabilities (due to oral surgery last week to fix a dumb thing with my gums). I've been maintaining social amd mainstream media (SMSM) abstinence quite well, and I cannot lie...it's awesome. Freedom from all that 24/7 unfiltered toxicity and vitriol is amazing. I still consume some news analysis - in a very curated form - through some of my favorite podcasts. But I manage it the way the media used to do it...exposure to curated news and analysis at defined times during the day (typically in the car or while exercising on the Peloton).

I have to take my mom to her piano lesson tonight, so I must sign off. But I'll be back soon. Thanks for reading!


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