I hope this blog post finds you and brings you some joy and positivity.
Have you noticed how much negativity is in the world right now? If so, it's probably because you are consuming social and mainstream media (SMSM), where (possibly quite fortuitously) most of the negativity in the world currently resides. Because, I'll be perfectly honest with you, the world is actually not as negative as the SMSM Algo (collectively) would have you believe. In many ways, the world is actually quite a positive place, if you know where to look [SOURCE] (or not look, as the case may be).
That's not to say there are not Diabolical Forces in the Universe (DFUs) actively working on both increasing negativity in the world and convincing you that there is more negativity in the world than there actually is. The DFUs need you to believe that the world is dangerous, that this danger is perpetrated by "the other," and that only the SMSM Overlords (Corporate Media and its underwriting Corporate Advertisers) can save you from these dangerous and nefarious perps (whoever they are!). That's all entirely BS. But the more you consume SMSM, the more this BS pervades your mind and erodes your happiness and critical thinking abilities (also sometimes called Rabbit Holing, in the vernacular).
I'm not sure why the DFUs collectively thought depositing most of the world's negativity in SMSM was a good idea. However, my guess is that once they realized how potently addictive SMSM was, it made sense to harness this addiction to draw as many victims as possible into SMSM (you may be old enough to remember how tobacco companies did the same thing in the 1950s and 1960s, using addiction to compel millions of people to buy their products and - in so doing - sign their own death warrants. SMSM is the death warrant of the 21st century, although this latter death is a much more insidious mental and spiritual decay that robs your soul of happiness, joy, and positivity - like the Dementors in Harry Potter films.
All is not lost, however. The Achilles Heel of the DFUs is that they have, in fact, put all (or most) of their diabolical eggs into one proverbial basket (or two baskets, if you arbitrarily separate social media from mainstream media...but no one actually does that anymore...they have "blended" into basically one and the same thing), and that basket(s) is SMSM. The reason I said above that this is possibly quite fortuitous is that this gives us an OUT from the negativity and soul-death purveyed by the DFUs. You have probably heard the term "safe space," often associated with the controversial term "woke." Because most of the world's negativity (by some estimates, 80%+ of it) is now housed within the SMSM domain, most of the physical and emotional space OUTSIDE of SMSM is effectively "safe" from negativity (the residual 20% of negativity not captured by SMSM comprises real world things like road rage, property taxes, douchebag bosses, divorce/breakups, narcissists, losing a loved one, chronic illnesses, TSA at the airport, and that kind of thing...which happen actually pretty rarely and infrequently in the real world outside of SMSM...and these real negatives are sometimes quite avoidable).
The DFUs do not want you to dwell in this safe space outside of SMSM too much, because if you do, you will be immune to their persuasion (to fear/hate "the other" and buy products that the DFUs tell you will assuage your anxiety) and begin to obtain quite a lot of happiness and positivity. If you need any objective proof of this thesis, consider how "anti-woke" the DFUs are. They are constantly deriding "wokeness" as weakness and a threat to your life and to the world and to your kids and blah blah blah. In fact, wokeness is actually the safest cognitive and emotional space for most people, which is why the DFUs hate it so much. Not only that, but most of the rest of the world outside of SMSM is WOKE!
The DFUs do have a plan in 2025 to begin a scorched earth invasion and cleansing of the woke domain outside of SMSM, in an effort to herd as many people as possible into what they describe as the "safe" space of SMSM, but that is their great deception. This attack on wokeness begins in earnest on 1/20/25, which is why I have urged and encouraged my readers to get woke and purge SMSM from their lives prior to that date, ideally at least three weeks prior to that date, which is the amount of time that Science has determined it takes to fully detoxify and detach from SMSM (it can be as little as two weeks for those who already follow the other two Tenets of the Church of Bike With Joe - daily aerobic exercise and a vegan diet).
You might be asking, "Why should I leave the SMSM domain and embrace the Woke domain, if the Woke domain will be the target of the DFUs unbridled and unyielding assault in 2025?" It's an excellent question. The only answer I have is that the Woke domain is on the right side of positivity, happiness, success, and other touchy feely things like that (aka, Salvation). Additionally, the Woke domain needs an Army of Resistance to the DFUs. And while owning that resistance is totally NOT mandatory or even your responsibility, forfeiting your eternal happiness and positivity in favor of negativity, fear, and hate is not an acceptable alternative for many. However, it is always your CHOICE. If you choose SMSM over the Woke domain, then you are choosing fear/hate/negativity/vitriol/turmoil over happiness/joy/love/positivity/peace. If SMSM has already decayed your mental, physical, and spiritual well-being, then all of the above will sound like conspiratorial nonsense to you. If so, I am very sorry, and also this blog post is not for you. My emotional labor is intended for those seeking positivity, happiness, joy, and those sorts of things. Not you? Totally fine.
Anyway, my time is up. I need to go make and eat some breakfast. Then I will see some marriage and family therapy clients today, followed by some exercise.
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