Happy 2025!
I trust today's post finds you and brings you joy. Sadly, however, if this is the first post from this blog that is reaching you, it may be too late for your mental and spiritual salvation. As those who have been following along with this blog for some time well know, yesterday was the deadline to begin the 21 days of social and mainstream media (SMSM) fasting in earnest, in order to be cleansed and liberated before 1/20/25. While that date may seem arbitrary, it is not. For that day is the beginning of The End (Times?), and it takes approximately three weeks (21 days) to fully detoxify from the poisonous fear, hate, vitriol, and exhausting negativity of SMSM. For a brief overview of this toxicity, WATCH THIS: "Brain Hacking" on 60 Minutes (with Anderson Cooper).
That being said, all is not lost. For adherents of the Church of Bike With Joe who follow all three of the Church's Tenets religiously (in the secular sense), cleansing only requires about fortnight (14 days), give or take. The other two Tenets, besides SMSM abstinence, are engaging in 30+ minutes of aerobic exercise daily and adhering to a 100% plant based (80% whole food) way of eating. If you are reading this first thing on New Year's Day, you can effectively grandfather yourself into the three week detoxification, if you happened to aerobically exercise yesterday, have not eaten any animal based foods yet today, and SMSM has not yet invaded your day.
Unfortunately, I have no compelling and persuasive way to convince you that adhering to the three Tenets of the Church of BWJ are essential to your physical, mental, and spiritual salvation, other than to challenge you to try it for 2-3 weeks. If you can 80-100% comply (follow it at least 5.6 out of 7 days of the week) with the Tenets for that time period, I am confident you will experience the positive benefits.
That being said, not following or even caring about the Church of BWJ Tenets won't kill you. It will just deny you a joyful, happy, and positive life experience. Because a lack of the three Tenets in your life contributes to negativity, unhappiness, anxiety, anger, and grievance. In fact, grievance addiction is fostered by SMSM, which is why we at the Church of BWJ consider it the Core Tenet. If you don't eat healthy and exercise daily, you can still reclaim about 80% of your freedom, happiness, and positivity by simply abstaining 100% from SMSM. The Diabolical Forces in the Universe largely invade and infiltrate your life through SMSM these days. I never thought it was a good idea for Them to put all the proverbial eggs in that one basket (SMSM). I would have diversified a bit more to make disenfranchisement of their toxicity and negativity more challenging for folks. But it is what it is, and as a result of Their shortsightedness, disenfranchising the Diabolical Forces is much more straightforward and achievable. But it's still a choice and you have to decide to make that choice. Either way, you own the outcome, no one else. Just be aware that the Diabolical Forces will be expanding their reach and optimizing their toxic negativity with few guardrails in 2025 and continuing for the next 4+ years. The three Tenets of the Church of BWJ can insulate and protect you from Their toxic negativity. Science is unaware of any other strategy more effective than the three Tenets for disenfranchising the Diabolical Forces from your life.
Alright...well, if you have read this far, bless your soul. I don't think I could have suffered through that diatribe above, if I'm being completely honest. But then, I already follow the Tenets of the Church of BWJ, so it's kind of a no-brainer, so to speak, for me.
I'm curious to know what 2025 has in store for you. What are your goals and aspirations for this brand new year? Leave a Comment below and share, if you like. I plan to continue the positive actions I implemented in 2024, which include the three Tenets. I aim to have a more profitable year for my marriage and family therapy practice in 2025. 2024 was a bit more profitable for Palm Tree Family Therapy than was 2023. I was also able to squirrel away some retirement savings in 2025, despite some considerable business and personal expenditures in 2024.
Today is a holiday. I am going to do a bit of administrative work and pay my quarterly business taxes. Then it's Chill City for most of the rest of the day.
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