
Crushed It

Hi Readers!

I crushed Monday so hard that I had nothing left to do on Monday evening except write Tuesday's blog post, which is what this is. I'm writing it on Monday night, and it will post on Tuesday morning. That's not to suggest that I have anything useful to write about, other than the pure epic destruction of today at my hands.

I had a productive morning of DuoLingo Spanish learning, blog writing (Monday's post), banking, admin, and a brief work meeting at 11 AM. I intermittently fasted today, until noon, and made lunch after said meeting, before hopping on the Peloton for about a 50-minute aerobic workout. I showered and then took our dog Ziggy to the veterinarian in the afternoon for a vaccine and some routine testing. I put gas in Deborah's car and got home around 4 PM. Deborah arrived shortly thereafter and we chilled a bit. Then she wanted to take a nap, so I decided to write this post for tomorrow a bit prematurely. I received and completed some documents that were sent to me by my financial advisor too. Crushed it today.

I have a pantload of marriage and family therapy client sessions on Tuesday, including a couple of new intakes. I've carved out time for grocery coupon clipping, lunch, and a Peloton workout. Where does my unbridled energy come from? No one knows, but it is theorized that it comes from exercising daily and eating a whole food, plant based diet.


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