
Mental and Spiritual Detox

Hi Readers!

Happy Saturday. I cannot stress enough how mission critical it is to begin to disenfranchise social and mainstream media (SMSM) from your life, by avoiding it completely (if possible...and mostly, if not possible). Because of how toxic and divisive and misleading SMSM has become, you are actually more intelligent and happier when you AVOID it. It's a difficult paradigm to embrace - and the SMSM overlords know this well - because we used to live in a world where ignorance was frowned upon and we ridiculed those who did not educate themselves (now we glorify and celebrate the willfully dumb). But that was when SMSM was far less biased and far more independent of its overlords than it is today. Today's SMSM actually seriously damages critical thinking ability and biases you toward the preferred messaging of said overlords (via SMSM analog and digital algorithms). SMSM is now designed primarily to addict you to its toxic messaging and, not un-coincidentally, to allow toxic people to enter and poison your life (virtually).

But you have a lot of choice over this. You don't need to let them in. It may sound difficult to avoid SMSM, because the SMSM companies have spent billions on making it more addictive than heroin or nicotine. But you totally can. The withdrawals are only psychological. I can guarantee you that the absence of SMSM in your life will not do you an ounce (or even a gram) of harm. But it will do you a TON of good. If you went camping for a week and did not have any access to your digital devices and SMSM, you'd survive and return home completely fine. In fact, you'd return home better than fine, because of the disconnect and recharge you'd experienced on the trip. SMSM drains and poisons your soul. And it addicts you to it. You don't realize this until it's absent from your life. And so I urge you to consider going on a SMSM fast for a month to assess this for yourself. If the idea of going without SMSM for a month frightens or alarms you, I have news for you...that's ADDICTION! It's the exact same fear that drug addicts experience when they consider abstaining from their drugs. It's no coincidence that people who consume excessive SMSM refer to themselves as "news junkies." Think on that.

If you choose not to disenfranchise SMSM from your life, that's your choice, and you have my sympathies. Because it will eventually seriously and irreparably harm you, if it has not already. It's never too late to quit SMSM though, and once it has destroyed your life and relationships enough (just like a drug addict hitting rock bottom), you may see fit to free yourself from it. 

In conclusion, just do me one small solid...challenge yourself to quit SMSM for 30 days. I guarantee you will notice how much better your life is at the end of it. And if you believe you cannot abstain from SMSM for 30 days...what does that tell you about its addictiveness?


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